
Seeing Red on the Sidewalk

Posted in Just A Thought, Vehicle Safety at 7:01 am

Bergen County has some of the best traffic markings in the country. Signs showing directions to other towns are plentiful, lights are intelligent and crosswalks are clearly marked. Several years ago they started painting the sidewalks at corners red.

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This is an eyesore that people gladly accept because it is suppose to draw the motorist’s eye to all four corners of an intersection so they see and avoid the pedestrian about to cross. But does it?

It definitely draws the eye to the corners. Unfortunately, if you are an elderly driver with minor short–term memory loss, it is entirely possible that your eye goes to the pedestrian then is drawn to the next corner, which is redder because it is empty, and YOU FORGET ABOUT THE PEDESTRIAN.

Were these markings based on any kind of study? Did it include elderly drivers?

Maybe we could just go back to teaching that you make eye contact with drivers before crossing and forget about the expensive paint job.

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