
Venice 1949

Posted in Family Legends, Uncategorized at 4:20 pm

In 1949 my father and two friends traveled by motorcycle from England, through Paris, Briancon and ultimately to Venice. Since my son is in Venice now I decided to post the pictures from the 1949 trip (most bought at the tourist stands).

Grand Canal – The Regatta

Grand Canal - The Regatta

St Marks Church

St Marks Church

The Grand Canal (Nottumo)

The Grand Canal (Nottumo)

Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge

Grand Canal Scalzi Bridge

Grand Canal Scalzi Bridge

St Marks Bassin & General View

Venice 1949 St Marks Bassin & General View

St Marks Bassin

Venice 1949 St Marks Bassin (Nottemo)


  1. L said,

    07.09.08 at 2:02 pm

    Why did you write about J’s trip but not mine? i’m hurt.
    ps, did u get my emailabout 10 things? cause i sent it a while ago…

  2. Christine said,

    07.09.08 at 4:27 pm

    This is about your grandfather’s trip. I only have other pictures for Paris. Are you in Paris? No. They will go up when you are in Paris and after I have put up the rest of the Italy trip pictures.

  3. L said,

    07.10.08 at 3:44 am

    but im in france