
A Welcoming Bathroom

Posted in Hiring A Maid at 9:52 am

Most bathrooms can be improved with three simple steps.

  1. Have a guest basket.

     Having a maid tends to make you reduce the clutter that is out and about. (Even if you’re the maid.) Reversing this and putting everything a visitor might want in a bathroom in a basket greatly increases your visitor’s enjoyment of their visit. A broken nail or dry eyes may not rise to the level of needing to speak to the hostess at a dinner party, but if your guest can take care of the problem promptly, they will be more comfortable.

    My mushroom-basket contains:

    •  spray deodorant (I think it is a teenage need, but someone sure uses it),
    • anti-cling spray,
    • dry eye drops (individual packets are available at the super stores),
    • small clear pouch with nail clipper and tweezers,
    • small sewing kit – needles thread & safety pins (although my skills make a stapler more appropriate),
    • toilet paper roll,
    • additional hand towels,
    • hand lotion
    • small baby powder
    • small mouthwash (probably for teenagers, my husband kisses me as soon as he finishes the garlic bread)
    • sunscreen,
    • bug spray,
    • a zippered pouch with sanitary supplies,
    • tissues and
    • hair spray (my guests use it for ink stains, not hair, as far as I know)
    • It’s technically not in the basket, but I also put a box of wipes on the floor by the toilet to clean anything that might not be up to my guests standards (What I really hope is that the males in my family use it – see Stephanie’s comment on the last post).

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  2. Empty the medicine cabinet
  3. There are absolutely appalling statistics* on the number of people who go sight-seeing through other people’s medicine cabinets and even worse stories about people pilfering prescription medicines from their neighbor’s homes. I moved all my aspirins, etc. to a high shelf in the kitchen. A locked first aid kit attached to a kitchen closet wall might have been better. (I’m fortunate that, unless you’re a dog, my medicine cabinet is pretty sparse.)

    *Everyone cites a 40% at parties snoop statistic but there doesn’t seem to be any real research available on this.

  4. Wash your toothbrushes, cups, etc in the dishwasher on sanitiary cycle
  5. I normally haul everyone’s toothbrushes, cups, and other oral hygene stuff down to the dishwasher once a week. If anyone has a cold, I do it once/day. This may have no discernable impact in a house of adults but I’m reasonably certain that if I put my son’s toothbrush under a microscope before & after there would be a discernable difference.

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